Saturday 26 October 2013

A pieced-together patchwork life

A life: a rich tapestry.
more than
a fabric or cloth.
a woven
of warp and weft.

A life: pieces
of perfection: beauty
tightly woven.
constantly even
in purpose and effect.
threads intertwine
in harmony.

A life: patches
of sorrow, ugliness
tacked over holes
of loss, and bereavement,
and sadnessess too many to count.
threads strain
to hold it all together.

A life: threads
loosening in uncertainty.
the cloth disintegrating.
job loss, sickness,
change too
difficult to bear.
holes appear.

A life: hues
with far-off distance
merged into
an impression
of beauty
or pity
or admiration.

A life: black
threads of sorrow; the
gold of joy;
happiness rainbows
and earthen moss-green
everyday life.

My life: more than
a tapestry.
stitched onto
the firm canvas
whose name
is Jesus.

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