Friday 3 April 2009

Twin Terror

The Heavenly Twins or the Adorable Angels? Angels was the best name for them. Fallen ones.

How could innocent children be so wicked? Theirs was a world of total security - nothing could shake it. Whatever they chose to do together, they accomplished. They were fearless of the outcome, even when everything went wrong.

Like the time they got stuck in the hedge.

It was, to be fair, quite tall - Cypress leylandii, thick and lush. A determined child could climb up inside it, popping out like a cork from a bottle at the top. Once there, they used it like a living trampoline. So far, so good. Until one of them hit a thin spot, plummeting to the ground with bits of twigs sticking out of limbs and body.
The other was stuck on top. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t get back down again – not even down the hole left by his twin.
One ladder, two adults and several remonstrances later, both twins were back on the ground. Covered in bright red rashes, an allergic reaction to the leaves.

They boasted about it for weeks.

Innocent devilment progressed to calculated wickedness. By the time they arrived at secondary school they were a force to be reckoned with. The sister ran a protection racket, supported by her brother. He did the same for her. Even the teachers became wary.

After becoming Head Boy and Girl, they headed for university and careers in banking.

I brought them up well.

Chausiku says: Well-written and hilarious,Mpira!
Wordmate says: Really funny. Loved the punchline
nicolacleasby says: This was well written and I think the banks and the twins deserve each other.
susanjones says: Very funny, and appropriate for the times we are living in. Liked it very much.

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