Tuesday 2 December 2008

It's Christmas

Tinsel and glitter, razzle and sparkle
Lighting our lives in the midst of the dark.
Silver and gold of the fairies and angels
Moonlight that glints on the snow in the park.

Cinnamon and cloves with the smell of spiced fruit
Warming our bodies with promised delights
Mulled wine and mince pies, nutmeg and ginger
Sing to our souls of the coming of Light.

Mysterious parcels in brightly wrapped paper
Colourful cards come from near and from far.
Stockings hung next to a cosy warm fireplace
Eager eyes hoping to glimpse that bright Star.

It’s Christmas, it’s Christmas, we’re impatient with waiting
It’s hope, love and joy all mixed up in one.
We love all the feasting, the giving, celebrating,
Enjoying this time when we have so much fun!

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