Sunday, 2 September 2012


Hearts do not always break
(and even then, rarely cleanly.
rather, into ugly scattered shards,
impossible, it seems,
to gather together).

No, hearts are torn, ripped
to shreds, fibres straining
to stay together,
screaming in pain.

Such hearts cannot be mended.
cannot be pieced back together
like precious porcelain. even time
cannot wreak miracles.

Rather, shredded hearts have to rest.
eventually fibres grow back
into sorrow-created spaces.
the scars remain.

Saturday, 26 May 2012


A day of gladness,
of crystallized relationship shouted to their world.
of eager exclamation, snapped photos,
excited babble, rippling laughter.
of funny stories, gentle glances,
graceful dances, whispered secrets.
smiles. and flowers and frills and fancy food.
a day
of celebration.

Yet underneath, behind
polite faces
I sense the flowing sorrows.
the widow, remembering happier married years.
the betrayed husband, smarting from the pain of divorce.
the single girl, longing for love and fulfilment.
the bachelor, flitting, endlessly unfulfilled, between relationships.
the bereaved parents, mourning the lost future of a beloved son,
the father, suddenly now an outsider.
the mother, longing for a return to child parenting, baby loving times.

Bitter. Sweet.
And I too am sad, on what should be a joyous day, because
sadness shouts louder than joy.
cut icy at my heart.
my spirit celebrates only with an absorbed heaviness.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

A battle won

An attempt at a poem, on Mary de Muth's blog:

We wage a hidden, unseen war
in life.  While deep enmeshed in strife
of everyday living, we store
thoughts, unthought, still lying
 before  our eyes, while  time
rushes on.
We dare not stop to look.
lost in noise and turmoil sore
we need to pause: tune
deafened ears towards that song
from our Commander’s voice.
‘See the Enemy’ he calls
‘and do not weep. Such as he
Is long defeated. This battle
Is Mine. I joy journey with
utter gladness that you are with
This is a beautiful time.
Rejoice. The battle
is won.’